The Nairobi County Assembly has submitted a report to the Director General of Nairobi Metropolitan Services to intervene and stop the illegal business activities that are ongoing along Othaya Road.
The report says the business did not follow the correct channels before being approved and have caused havoc in the area.
The developer of the business has been defiant on the order that was given in October 2020. He changed the houses from residential to restaurants and temporary shops.
On giving reasons why actions need to be taken faster they said:
The residents in Othaya road have been affected by the devaluation of the investment in the properties that have been completely degraded and the NMS is required to restore the sanity in the area as a direct consequence of permitting the operations in the property. Five tenants from the European Union have already given notice of vacation due to the degradation of the area citing security risk and noise emanating from the said property.
The Othaya road is also not meant for heavy tracks and does not have the capacity to handle the heavy traffic that has started being noticed in the area. The customers also going in the bars and restaurant are also parking their vehicles on the pedestrian walk as the parking inside is not able to sustain the number of people visiting the property which has led to numerous accidents.
The County assembly recommended for the revoking of the license to prevent more accidents and the insecurity issues that have been raised.
Speaking about the issue the CBD member of County Assembly Daniel Ngengi said it is not good to be closing other restaurants and bars in Kilimani which have gone against the covid-19 regulations while there are others being opened up illegally.
“We recently recommended for the closure of some bars and restaurants in Kilimani. Am surprised that there are others which are being opened and did not follow the due course of getting the license,” said Ngengi.