Fierce battle is looming at the Nairobi county assembly following a move by a whistleblower to write to Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission and Director of Criminal Investigations together with Salaries and Remuneration Commission over the impending promotion and recruitment of staffs at the Nairobi Assembly by the board.
According to the letter the acting clerk Adah Onyango did not follow any law before creating the structure and she is aiming to reward employees allied to her and section of leadership.
“Around 13th August the acting clerk Adah Onyango presented before the service board a new organization structure purpoting to amend the approved structure thus creating additional 6 directorates namely committee services,Human Resource development, Accounting Services ,Research,ICT and legal services which are duplicates.” The letter reads.
Officers mentioned to be rewarded in the scheme includes Nancy Mutai,Ahmed Makhoha,Monica Muthami,Brian Yambo,Jared Osano,Eric Otieno ,Kobia Marimba, Christine Madara,Osman Galgalo and Ramadhan Juma.
“this is to draw your attention of the impending recruitment by the Nairobi City County Assembly service board for recruitment of staff to fill various advertised position within the assembly service.” It reads in part.