A total of upto 950 people, including officials and journalists, will watch the Friday’s opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics 2020 at the main Stadium.
Spectators were burned due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
A group of performers and athletes participating in the Games, Hidemasa Nakamura, chief of Tokyo 2020’s main operation centre, told a news briefing on Thursday.
Asked about the tally of 87 COVID-19 infections among athletes, officials and journalists, he said completely getting rid of the virus was “extremely difficult”, making it important to quickly identify and tackle any new cases.
The show director of the Olympics opening ceremony has been dismissed, one day before the event is due to be held. Footage of Kentaro Kobayashi from the 1990s recently emerged in which he seems to be making jokes about the Holocaust.
Japan’s Olympic chief Seiko Hashimoto said the video ridiculed “painful facts of history”.