The ODM Party leader, Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has called on the police to end brutality meted on citizens.
This is after the party emerged winner in the just concluded Bonachari by-elections.
According to Raila, what was witnessed in the Bonachari and Juja by-elections is misuse of power and arrogant display of impunity by the officers in government.
“An election process is an opportunity for the voters to express their will at the ballot and not an avenue to pursue imaginary and short-legged political interests. Security forces exist to serve the people and not the interests of those out to conduct political experiments.”
Raila said the peaceful co-existence because of handshake does not have to be taken for granted. “this has to stop,” he added.
Oimeke of ODM emerged Winner after he garnered 8049 votes against Zebedee Opore and Teresa Oroo of Jubilee and UDA who managed to get 7279 and 6954 votes respectively.